
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Biden His Time

Tuesday the Democratic party proved, beyond a doubt, that they are not infected with the same toxins that have consumed the GOP. Biden's overwhelming win showed that the party prefers a moderate to a revolutionary and isn't ripe pickings for a cult of personality. The absolute drubbing that Biden gave Sanders--standing side-by-side with Klobuchar and Pete made it loud and clear that all the actors in the game saw themselves as part of a team (no one thinks that Ted Cruz thinks of himself as "part of a team," for example) but also people who put party (and America) above their personal ambitions.

This is how a party ought to work--how citizens expect it should work--not as a crowd of con-men and criminals who are looking out for themselves first . . . and themselves last.

So what did we learn?

The Sanders Movement Is The Political Equivalent of GamerGate
The similarities are startling. For one thing they gloried in the online harassment meted out to their enemies while, in the same breath, argued that either "it wasn't them doing it" or that "it was richly deserved." When asked about bad behavior they would almost always pivot to "We just want poor people to have health care!"

This is the "It's About Ethics In Games Journalism" for anyone not paying attention. They touted a diversity that was almost never seen in the wild and, in their more private spaces, they were misogynist and racist--while claiming these statements were totally justified because of the actions of their targets (oh, and they were generally more abusive to women than men and to women reporters and candidates especially).

This model worked pretty well for the alt-right and The Omnivore is glad it crashed hard on the other side of the aisle.

The Sanders Movement Is Inherently Toxic
Regular Democratic voters got a hard look at Sanders over several wins and when they had another real moderate choice? They fled him in droves. This isn't surprising and, indeed, seems entirely predictable: when, in your own narrative, you are the heroic parasite attached to a contemptible host organism (the Democratic Party) how are you going to connect with people who, you know, signed up for the party??

The insurgency worked in the GOP because for years the rank and file voters were fed the narrative that guys like Bohner and McConnell were playing them--failing to contain Obama because they were all in one big establishment game. When presented with an outsider, this lie, constantly pumped into their brains by AM Radio and Cable News, was able to take hold.

It also probably helped that Trump really appealed to racists.

The inherent toxicity of Sander's positioning should have been a clarion call for him and his surrogates to begin the 2020 cycle with outreach and inclusiveness--but instead he did the opposite, hiring the most combative (but loyal) surrogates he could and counting on the Unicorn Youth Vote who, in true Unicorn fashion, never showed up.

He's not done yet--but seeing as there is only one California, the race is now Biden's to lose.

What Is Warren Thinking?
There was much "lowing of the bros" (angry Bernie voters) over Warren's refusal to, erm, Bend The Knee (bow out and endorse Bernie). Apparently they felt that calls for Bernie to drop when it seemed mathematically impossible for him to win against Hillary were a horrendous affront--but when the shoe was on the other foot?

Why it was their foot--My God?? Why doesn't the damn bitch drop out like a good girl!???

Yeah. Maaaayyyybe that's what Warren is thinking? Maybe she's just decided to see this through for all her young believers who deserve a champion for as long as they can have one? Maybe she decided that bailing with the crew (Pete, Klobuchar, and then Bloomberg) wasn't a way to make a name for herself?

Maybe Obama called her up and told her Soros would pay for her to stay in to throttle Bernie.

Know which one the Bernie guys believe? Yeah. That's right--even though the numbers show that she didn't cost Sanders much (her voters were unlikely to go to Bernie en-mass as they had suffered a ton of abuse from Sander's team, weren't welcome over there as anything but a punched-chad, and also in many cases wanted a female president (or even Vice President) which there was no guarantee Sanders would deliver.

The Omnivore would not be surprised to see her drop and endorse Biden--as unlikely as that sounded just a few days ago.

Trump Is In Trouble
The idea that Trump wanted Biden and feared Sanders has some cred: polling suggests that if Sanders delivered on his promise of youth voting and high positive opinion scores--that he would be formidable. The Omnivore, however, is pretty sure that Bernie is well liked because people don't have a lot to do with him rather than because they, subjected to his personality, find him warm and personable.

Furthermore, he isn't mathematically delivering a revolution: his turnout numbers are lower than 2016. Black voters--a key block--really don't like him--but are happy to vote for Biden and Trump's coming attempt to suppress their vote is likely to fail catastrophically when Obama re-enters the scene with his old buddy.

Now, Biden may lose it in debate (The Omnivore doesn't think he's as bad as was said--but certainly there is a possibility that over the next few months things go downhill for him) but that would have to be vs. Sanders: Trump isn't likely to debate him.

Trump might not be capable of debating anyone at this point since his method (lie like a rug) is well known and while Hillary was out there to win the debate, today it would just be an attempt to puncture his ego--something you could do with a semi-stiff piece of paper.

In any event, the trouble isn't primarily Biden--who is a good match up in general but not a fire-breather. No, it's Bloomberg.

Bloomberg certainly isn't doing his own messaging but whoever he is paying millions of dollars to is On Freakin' Target. If, indeed, Bloomie keeps pounding Trump with ads that are vicious and social media that is clearly being done by people who know their stuff then Trump is going to face something he really hasn't: someone with as big a megaphone as he has and is willing to go for the throat.

Bloomberg has billions of dollars to lose--and seems, at this point, happy to lose--er--use--it.

Republicans Are Ashamed
Oh yes they are--don't for a nanosecond believe otherwise. Trumpaloos know that they got sucked into a whirlwind of lying and bad deals--but they put up with it because of emotional sunk costs and because, well, Trump "owns the libs." That's what they really wanted--and they got it--they also know it's weakness in them and their elected officials (see the volcanic anger at Romney for his vote).

When it looked like the Democrats were going to slide into raw socialism Trumpaloos wanted to see Fascist vs. Socialist on the ballot since, hey: you can be either the pot or the kettle but in this case it's just them who are sunk with a degenerate position.

Expect to see a lot of very, very hurt feelings when Never Trump rallies behind the acceptable Biden and when the stories about how bad the Democrats are--how communist and corrupt--and anti-semetic--fail to land like they would've with Sanders.

Trump wanted Ukraine--and while that didn't pan out--it was probably his best bet to early-smear Biden with anything he could conjure up.

It's Not Over Yet
We know that Sanders won't make any moves for party unity: it's not in him. He will draw this out as long as he can--and as viciously. The anger of the Bernie Movement is, at its emotional core, directed at the perpetrators of a narcissistic wound. The wound is caused by the Centrist Left who, if they can succeed without the angry progressives, are sending a clear signal that the progressives--with their Jill Stein protest votes--don't really matter.

This diminishment  is why a lot of Sanders voters voted for Trump against Hillary. Trump winning was bad--but if Hillary had won the narcissistic wound would be DEEP. Couldn't let that happen.

This is also why, if Sanders was/is the nominee his movement won't suddenly turn its guns on Trump. It can't. The emotional engine that powers it is anger at the centrist Democrats and the media. That's where the attacks and anger will/would stay.

It's not over yet--so hope this does not come to pass.

Omnivore Out!

1 comment:

  1. Good take. I think Biden has a very strong case, as he can run on three key messages given that this is going to be a referendum election on Trump.

    1. A Return to Civility (and honor, respect, etc.) - hit Trump with the me-too stuff, his pettiness, and as you say, go for his ego.

    2. Experienced Hands (on the economy, on the coronavirus, on the world stage, etc.) - make the case that it's time for an adult in the room. And again, go for Trump's ego by diminishing him.

    3. A Bridge to the Future. This is where the VP pick comes in - NOT a fusion center/progressive ticket with Warren, no. This has to be a young moderate - someone like Stacey Abrams, or Andrew Gillum, or Pete Buttigieg, or Beto - a bridge to a pragmatic, not reactionary, future.

    Game, set, match.
