The term "The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations" was an attempt by the Republicans to cast the Democrat's assessment that black people in America on the whole have it harder than equivalent white people as being The Real Racists. It didn't go so well (African American voters generally felt they were able to figure out who TEH REAL RACISTS were all by themselves, thanks very much).
Leading up to last night's Bernie-v-Biden Debate there had been a concentrated effort from extremely-on-line Bernie-World to let everyone know that the former Veep had late-stage dementia. That is: "Make sure you tell everyone that Biden is a drooling moron who can't string two words together coherently!"
The word, as they say, they got it out.
This didn't go so well.
Biden was cogent and polished (some commenters in the Chapo sub-reddit decided he was pumped full of Adderall or Adrenochrome) and didn't have any major missteps or, even moderate ones. Sure, he lied (or "lied") about his decades long record of rhetoric and voting--which Team Online Bernie pounced on--but without dissecting that shit too deeply, let's remember that the standard they set was that Biden couldn't stand upright.
The Omnivore doesn't think his record is going to be meaningful since voters will be able to compare Trump's record to Biden's all by themselves, thanks very much.
If there is not an unprecedented major upset in Tuesday's voting Berine will be be close to--possibly actually--mathematically eliminated--and while COVID-19 might provide some relief by dissuading boomers from the polling places, it seems like no one is taking social distancing THAT seriously.
Just to be safe, The Omnivore voted early--yesterday. There were people there, but it wasn't packed.
While the message that Joe would not be able to remain erect during the debate may have been spread mostly online, The Omnivore wonders what True Believers (Chapo listeners) will make of his performance last night: The Trap-House crowd has said, literally, Biden is losing the concept of object permanence and he sure didn't come off that way.
Will they conclude that they were, you know, lied to? Because to hear them tell it, if you lie or overstate? That's a sign you can never be trusted again--EVER.
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