
Monday, November 5, 2018

The Trumpaloo Who Believes . . .

On Facebook a Trump-supporter explaining how Democrats were endangering the nation posted this:
The Democrats have a narrative. The mainstream media supports that narrative to the exclusion of all counter narratives. Antifa acts to suppress the free speech rights of anybody that would speak against that narrative.
That narrative expounds how group membership is more important than individual character-- the more victim groups that someone belongs to, the greater the weight given to their opinions. White men self-identifying as men are not members of any victim group their opinions are given no weight, at all, and are expected to not consider their own situation when they act in the public sphere. Anyone within a victim group that refuses to support the narrative, such as Candace Owens, is treated as worse than white. The narrative also expounds on how everything will be better if the US Constitution's provisions against tyranny are ignored, so the government can redistribute everything, at will.
The narrative of the Democrats is an appeal for a fascist America controlled by a national social democrat american party, with street level 'justice' meted out by antifa blackshirts.
The virtue of Tolerance is not shown by how one treats designated 'victim' groups, but how one treats people that disagree with them.
An intolerant bigot is anyone that would deny any right that they, themselves, are granted, to anyone that they disagree with. The Democrats and other leftist's make constant efforts to 'de-platform' conservatives to deny them their right to free speech.
The rhetoric driving political violence is logic chain embedded in the Democrat narrative that voicing dissent is hate speech and hate speech is violence.
I asked the guy whose page it was on (he wasn't the author but is right-wing, perhaps Trump-friendly) if he believed this nonsense and he did not want to engage--but was happy to have me post a rebuttal. So let's take a look at this egregious nonsense.

1. The Dem Narrative and Antifa

Out of the gate we have a weird story about the Dems having "a narrative" and Antifa acting to suppress the rights of free speech. What is that narrative? That "group membership is more important that individual character--that victim's rights provide 'victim points' and white men's opinions get no weight at all.

The end goal is total redistribution of everything. Full on communism.

Firstly: wait, what?? What the fuck? Where is this information coming from--who leaked the secret Protocols of the Elders of Leftism to this guy? Oh--okay, sure--he will tell you he can connect the dots--that he has enough individual quotes (for some reason, these conspirators periodically slip up and give the whole game away, saying something that is DEFINITELY true because the person on the other-side NEEDS to hear it that way)--but really? The idea of there being a massive left-wing conspiracy needs to have some proof behind it. What's the plan? Is it 5 years? 10? Fifty? Who alive today plans to reap the benefits of this full-on-communism.

Antifa has (a) participated in some campus protests (b) participated in rumbling with white nationalists. Is, say, Candace Owens getting beat up by Antifa? Is Fox News getting fire-bombed? The Gateway Pundit? Q-Anon? No. Antifa has shut up . . . Milo. They got a parade canceled in Oregon. They meanced Charles Murray. That's about it. Spooky.

To be clear, these things are not good--but they are also not the end of the republic (and The Omnivore thinks if you're going to go full-on Milo, you get what you ask for).

Unless you define Antifa as some kind of massive behind-the-scenes force that is shutting down all the good little nazis before they can have their tiki-torch march it sure doesn't seem they've managed to do much of anything.

Secondly, the the idea of victim-points and hatred of the white-man is true IF you live your life on left-wing Tumblr or in some academic departments. Otherwise? Uh--no. No, The Omnivore is here to tell you that in the world of high finance, white men pretty much run the world. In the military, in politics, in silicon valley? All white guys all the time, baby. If you don't think that's true, go check. The Omnivore will wait. The politics of victimhood only play out in very controlled online spaces. In the real world? Not so much.

Thirdly, the full-on-communism end-game--how exactly is that supposed to happen? The Omnivore understands Obama was supposed to be taking over Texas with JadeHelm'15--but, uh, that was super-stupid conspiracy theory. It sure wasn't fact. When the democrats had full control of government they passed . . . ObamaCare--which Trump failed to repeal. Why? Because it was popular.

2. Justice Meted Out By Antifa Black-Shirts

You (for many values of "you") do not know The Omnivore--so let The Omnivore tell you this: The Omnivore is a fucking black-belt in conspiracy theory and fake news. The Omnivore knows all the little dark corners of the Internet and the historic stuff printed at gun shows and f'ing whatever. All that shit--historical.

So The Omnivore knows this shit too. What spanky up there believes is that there are vast reserves of Antifa Black-Coats going out and busting heads--far more than the right-wing--and the media just doesn't report it. The say way that no one but Fox would post about the rampage of The Knock-Out-Game. This is a nice little conspiracy gem since you can't prove it's not true: lack of reporting about Antifa Attacks is just proof of the cover-up.

So what can we do? Well, we can start by asking the Global Terrorism Database. It holds that the rise in US Terror attacks is from right-wing sources. How about the FBI? Their domestic terror database shows that right-wing violence is a more significant threat than Islamic terror. Left-wing (antifa) violence doesn't factor. But maybe this is all just part of the massive body of lies? Who is correctly reporting the attacks?

Well, if you count shouting at law-makers in restaurants you may be able to improve your numbers--but short of that, The Omnivore thinks you're in trouble.

3. The Great De-Platforming!

We don't know for sure what the poster means by Antifa "de-platforming" people. Is he just restricting it to a handful of cases where security has closed down a venue? Or is he going wider with the removal of InfoWars and Gab and the banning of QAnon boards on Reddit? The former is pretty lame--if you deplatform a provocateur like Milo, everyone goes home happy (including--and especially--Milo)--but given the heavy-breathing implicit in the above rant, The Omnivore will assume the guy is het-up about Twitter kicking nazis off their board--and shutting up Alex Jones.

While there is a great deal to be pointed-and-laughed at here, The Omnivore will point out that there is a limited degree to which you can go and shit on someone's lawn before they will kick you off it. All these guys had multiple--way too many--chances. All of them were involved in behavior that was destructive to the platforms they were using. All of them had violated Terms of Service.

What eventually got them kicked off was a realization that they were a net-negative. Alex Jones doesn't really say anything worth listening to. Neither does Richard Spencer. Paul Nehlen can go do his nazi rants on Gab (as long as it stays up) or on a personal blog or whatever.

You don't need to shed any tears for these guys: they all--every last one of them--had it commin'.

4. Hate Speech Is Violence

In the end, he actually hits on a real point--the "left" does, in general, believe that hate-speech is violence. Now, in some cases, this means that if I go into a bar and start calling someone the N-word and they deck me, I may not win the court case. That isn't that big of a deal.

In other cases, though, we see rhetorical echoes in the very-real violence of mass shooters. The guy who shot up the Synagogue had Trump's language coming out of his mouth. There is some evidence that Incels can be inspired to act violently through peer pressure. Certainly the guy mailing his mail bombs--which so far as we know were real, if inexpertly made, devices--brought into the president's narrative literally. He mailed devices to the president's list of detractors. Perhaps he intended only to scare--but perhaps he hoped to kill or wound. We don't know.

We do know that inspiration is a thing, however. When Obama droned Al-Awalki he did so because the man was really good at inspiring Jihadi violence in the US. He'd already had results in the Ft. Hood shootings. If you think Obama was wrong to kill the guy, go ahead and make your case--but the counter-terror experts all thought that the man--with nothing but words--was a threat.

So, yeah--that's not the left-wing nonsense the guy thinks it is. It's just nonsense in the way he means it.


The theory that Antifa is some kind huge coordinated threat is projection. We know from leaked discord transcripts that alt-right guys who plan violence do fear "antifa" and have visions of antifa raiding their houses (presumably, in many cases, their mom's houses) and otherwise conducting well coordinated campaigns of violence. These don't actually happen though--the people who are recording the transcripts just release them to Unicorn Riot and get them posted on Twitter.

Then the nazi gets id'd and fired--do you want to work next to a nazi? The Omnivore hopes not.

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