
Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Next Time

We're . . . almost . . . out of the election. The Omnivore says "almost" because while the votes have been counted, a soft-coup is, sorta, underway. The odds of it succeeding are very, very low--but that doesn't mean it absolutely could not. The fact that the people like Rudy, Trump, and others are buffoonish clowns is good (in that it's unlikely to succeed in installing a second administration)--but that doesn't mean things are okay.

Things Are Not Okay

Just because (a) Rudy is funny and (b) it looks like we'll survive through Jan 20th when an adult takes charge (assuming we don't die of COVID which is, unfortunately, a concrete possibility) does NOT mean we are out of any woods. What does The Omnivore mean?

  1. Some revoltingly large portion of 60MM voters believe there was--or maybe was--massive election fraud. They believe the press is not covering the "evidence" and that the courts--other than SCOTUS--are corrupt so of course it'll have to be appealed until it reaches the Constitutional Judges. This is a dangerous and fairly wild conspiracy theory that our leaders--half of them, anyway, are allowing to be pumped into the heads of these voters.
  2. Trump wants to run again in 2024. He'll be about the same age as Biden now. Don't think it can happen? Don Jr. could run and he'd be a LOT younger. Hell, Ivanka could run. These heirs-to-the-MAGA voting bloc will wield great power in the GOP and that isn't going away. This is the end of round 1. There's very, very likely to be a round 2. Get ready for it now.
  3. What if the election had been close? It turns out it was numerically speaking a blow-out for Biden--but what if it wasn't? What if these recounts really could legitimately flip things? Are we sure that Democrats wouldn't be buying into various conspiracy theories . . . or arming themselves for the Big Igloo (civil War 2--don't ask if you don't know). Given that, what do you think the Trumpers will do if/when Biden is actually certified or whatever? Trump is telling them RIGHT NOW he is on a path to victory. Tens of thousands of them--perhaps 10's of millions believe it.
  4. No One is coming to the rescue. Mitch McConnell could say it's not so. Fox News kinda-sorta has. The only person who could tell people lost legitimately and have them believe it is Trump--and he won't. So there will be no elder-statesmen to save us. The GOP is entirely behind Trump's soft-coup attempt: they aren't trying to block him. They aren't working against him. They're just on the sidelines . . . hoping maybe it works.
So, yeah: in four years we're not likely to be much better off and we might be a hell of a lot worse off.

Here's Hoping Joe Biden Is Bringing A Gun to a Gun Fight

The Omnivore doesn't put a lot of stock in the theory that Biden really plans to govern bipartisanly. He has to know he can't  (he watched Obama try). He also can't be that out of touch so as to know what the mood of the country is--and the power the MAGA base wields in Washington. He knows he's dealing with a group of people who are closer to believing in QAnon than the American Dream.

Here's hoping he's ready for what's coming and that he has plans and planners who are going to make sure that he's properly apprised of the dangers that are approaching and the difficulty he'll face.

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