
Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Coming Storm

 The Policitcal Omnivore is dead. Long Live The Political Omnivore.

The Omnivore hasn't touched this blog in a long, long time--but something has happened that The Omnivore feels compelled to weigh in on. So here we are. 

First, a little housekeeping:

1. Trump was bad. We know Trump was bad. Biden is far better than expected (for people with left-leaning perspectives). Most Americans think Biden is all but brain-dead--but he sure doesn't seem to be performing that way. Slower than a 50 year old? Sure. Unclear on which way is up? No.

2. It is an Age of Fiding Out (which comes after the Fucking-Around part). It's almost like a lot of the MAGA-Action arm of things had Fear of Missing Out On Finding Out. FOMOOFO! Well, they are. It turns out they don't like it.

3. Trump has fucked around the most. The Finding Out arc appears to be truly epic. We'll see.

NOW: The Omnivore's Idea

The Omnivore holds that a big part of the rot we see in the GOP today is this: They were told by their thought-leaders (Fox, Limbaugh, etc.) that Clinton was a mass-killer (Arkancide). that Obama was utterly, utterly corrupt and evil--and thus, Democrats--who liked both Clinton and Obama--had to be ontologically evil.

It turns out? Not so much. Bill Clinton really creeped around. Obama had some stuff going on (did he sic the IRS on the Tea Party? The Omnivore says "Don't Think So"--but if you believe he did, fine). In any event, the thing that never happened was the Finding Out. Hillary lost--but Hillary didn't go to prison.

Obama seems to be utterly scandaless in hind-sight.. Today, the Fast and Furious is a movie franchise and no one gives a fuck about Benghazi.

However, for Republicans, they decided that the inability of their leaders to stick it to the Dems was due to soft weakness on the part of Republican Elites (and, also, being in on the take). Thus, if you want justice, you need Trump--someone who isn't soft and isn't in-on-the-take. Trump, they reasoned, has his own take. He doesn't need another one.

Today, having unmoored themselves from reality in the 2000's and drifted into today's world of complete bullshit, they believe the following:

  1. The charges against Trump are not just political--they are rank bullshit with no legal ground to stand on. Where there is evidence Trump did ANYTHING, they think ALL PRESIDENTS do it and the DoJ is just weaponized against Trump.
  2. They believe that the election was stolen. Even smert republicans hold that "there are questions" (or, for the truly smert, that the COVID voting changes were illegal and therefore the election was de facto illegal). In any event, they think this is self-evident and if shown to a court that has a ballsack, it would be an open and shut case.
  3. They have been told that (a) Trump is being prosecuted for lying about the election and that, therefore (b) if Trump can prove that either the election really was stolen or that he believed it was, he can beat the rap.
Oh--and also: The Revolution Will Be Televised (Trump's Georgia Trial will be on TV / YouTube).

The Omnivore's Take

The Omnivore suspects that this perfect storm of events will be where the Titanic of bullshit meats the Iceberg of Reality. That is: Seeing Trump's legal team flounder on TV and not being able to dismiss the prosecution like Neo brushing aside a zillion mooks on his way to fight Agent Smith they will conclude that:
  • Trump's Team is corrupt or achingly incompetent
  • That the corruption of the judge and the justice system is in over-drive to kill their hero / daddy.
Oh, and there's one other element to this storm that, for the most part, wasn't there before: It's going to be going down in one specific location.

The Omnivore has checked: There is no waking up and realizing you were lied to for these guys. They can't do it. It's too ingranied. It's too deep. It's not a religion--it's reached cult status. If there is a flash point for the second boogaloo, this is it.

Security forces better fucking be ready.


  1. Indeed. We are all fortune cookie cursed "May you live in interesting times."

  2. I’ve been checking your blog about once a week for what feels like forever. Welcome back!

  3. It is great to have you back! Whoever you are!
